Geauga Radio Controlaires

Upcoming Events

1. May21 (Sunday) Field cleanup day @ 1:00 PM (rain date May 28) Fisher Road Field

2. July 8 (Saturday) GRC picnic at the Hershberger Field 1:00 PM (rain date July 15) Hershberger Field

3. October 7 (Saturday) Jim Gardner Memorial Swap Meet

4. October 15 (Sunday) Fall Cleanup day @ 1:00 PM at the Fisher Rd. Field

5. November 2 Annual Turkey Raffle at the monthly meeting

6. January 7, 2024 (Sunday) Winter flying at the Fisher Road field 1:00 PM

Meeting Reminder

All meetings are on the First Thursday of each month unless otherwise noted.

Meeting Locations

All meetings will be held at Mangia Mangia Restaurant